MammothTheGr8 – Optimal x/r Sizings in Most Common Nodes

MammothTheGr8 Grzegorz Kozieja

Greg will dive deeper into XR sizings vs bets, both c-bets and float bets in SRP. After joining the seminar you will be able to select the highest EV raise size in the most common nodes and understand the reasons behind them. Selecting the correct XR sizing will increase your winrate and make you harder […]

guix2x – Uncovering Population Tendencies in 3-Way spots

In this session, we will look at how the population behaves on 3way spots (LPvsBTN+BB) compared to the last sessions on HU, checking how they change strategies now that BB is in the pot and finding overfold spots compared to the solver.

Lewis Spencer – ICM Postflop: Comparing Risk Premiums at 40 bbs

In this session, Lewis will explore an ICM toy game focusing on 40bb postflop play (BTN vs BB) and delving deeper into the way different levels of risk premium affect different postflop concepts such as leading, bet sizing, as well as turn and river strategies across multiple types of board texture.